Thinking of you today Auntie Vee, it doesn't seem a year ago since you left us to be with your darling Peter ♥️ Love and miss you always.
Sue Hilmi (Great Niece)
28th March 2024
Dear Vera, I have known you since I was a young girl. You were the much loved and respected secretary at the Kidlington school my mother taught in, Gosford Hill. You and Pater, your handsome, dashing husband, spent many happy times at our house in North Oxford. In my young eyes you were the epitome of elegance: always immaculately dressed, coiffed and charming, and I remember you as beautiful and dignified even in your nineties.
I’m so glad to have known you, and I will never forget you, one of my late mum's closest best friends.
I'm sure dear Peter was there to meet you as you crossed the 'Rainbow Bridge'.
Rest In Peace lovely friend.
Brenda Russell Campbell
8th April 2023
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Vera Eileen.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by C.S. Boswell Funeral Service on 06/04/2023